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Yesterday I ministered at one of Adams’ outreach churches, located in one of the outlying areas of Kitale. This church had all kinds of problems, and had dwindled to almost nothing and was almost at the point of closing when Adams and his church took it over. I was here a few years ago, just after they had taken it on, so it was good to be back and see the growth that has happened since then.

The meeting was to start at 3, but before that one of the deacons and his wife had invited us to lunch. So we enjoyed a lovely meal and a time of fellowship with them before going to the meeting.

Around 20 people had gathered for the meeting, and there was a great time of worship before they handed over to me. I really didn’t expect that there would be anyone unsaved in the congregation – to gather at mid-afternoon in the middle of the week requires quite some commitment. But I gave a call anyway, and one young man responded, praise the Lord.

When I finished, Adams picked up on part of my message and led the people in a time of deep repentance and surrender, which was awesome as the Holy Spirit moved on the congregation.

As usual, before we left there had to be the normal photo call – the people here love their photos!

Adams also shared an exciting testimony. When I was here at the end of 2022, the Lord led me to pray for women who wanted children and who had not been able to conceive. One of those ladies, who had been trying for over six years to get pregnant, is due to give birth this week. God is faithful!

This time next week I will be home. I only have three more meetings here at this stage – a combined home fellowship on Friday night, a pastors and leaders seminar on Saturday, and the Sunday morning service – although it is quite possible they will ask me to do a final service on Sunday night.

The bites are clearing up, and the sore throat is easing, but I am feeling very tired – I have actually slept in the last two mornings. I am assuming this is just the normal end-of-trip tiredness, as my mind adjusts to the upcoming change, but I need to push through it and not allow it to hinder the ministry here for this last week.